Thursday, 6 September 2007

Saturday 1st September 2007 (Day 46): Bad Tolz to Bad Kholgrub (60km)

Woke at 7am to the desolutory sound of rain on the tent and a temperature of 14°! Straight into the waterproofs, and off on the road as quickly as possible was the order of the day. The route was sometimes tar-sealed and sometimes gravel or stones, and the places we passed through had a particularly autumn air about them. The hills, grey skies, and mist rising from the valleys was superb.

We found a pleasant spot for coffee and cake beside a water meadow covered in reeds and daisies. It wasn´t raining! We then wound our way along country tracks dotted with wooden hay barns. (I was particularly impressed with one equine set up that had a great, brand new cross-country course!)

Headed into countryside where you almost expected Heidi (attired in a suitable waterproofs of course) to come skipping down with a couple of goats. All the livestock around here wear bells, so cycling is accompanied with musical accompaniment.

The 5km climb up into Bad Kohlgrb was fine until the last 1km where it was incredibly steep. We decided that we needed a little bit of pampering and booked into a lovely guest house (balcony with a view of the hills) - Gästehaus Bauer, Schmiedgasse 3, 82433 Bad Kohlgrub, - run by a friendly, very helpful guy.

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