Monday, 17 September 2007

Pictures from Germany to France

Some crazy Bavarians drinking beer on a raft.

Complicated route finding on the way to Bad Tolz at the foot of the Alps in Germany

When not drinking beer on rafts, Bavarians spend their spare time painting murals house fronts. Mostly religious, but this one has a more contemporary theme. Sadly, we did not find a Harry Potter house, but i am sure one exists.

The Alps. We only got close enough to look. Maybe next time, when our bags are lighter, we will go over them.

Why do we do this? The only reason i can think of is so that we can eat as many cakes as we like. This was taken in Switzerland. The trip from Germany through Switzerland poduced some of he worst weather so far, including hail and temperatures of 9 deg!

A lovely windy road in France. We have had days of this now. I just cant get enough.

A windmill in the Bourgogne region, near the campsite we are currently staying in in Santenay.

We are about to head into the Loire valley, so the next picture posting will have a few castles and wine bottles.

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